Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011

A full and emotional day....

I began the day thinking of my family and that my 2nd mother, Maxine would be laid to rest today.  I am thankful for her life and the part she played in mine.  I am also thankful that she is now "whole" again and reunited with Virgil and her family...they are welcoming her home and celebrating her life, as we are! 

We began today with a tour of The Imperial War Museum Duxford, it was a remarkable place and to be honest, we could have spent two full days there! 

We then went to Wimpole Hall - a very beautiful and LARGE home built in the 1700's.  There was even a Chapel in the house and St Andrew's Church just outside the house.  Wimpole Hall served as the 323rd Squadron's bomb dispersal area in WWII. 

Enjoy the pictures...Tomorrow we will be heading back to London.  More to follow! 

B-17 Aircraft - Just like Uncle Jim would have flown in! 

This is the "Waist Gunner's" spot, this was Uncle Jim's area.  

The cockpit of the B-17 Aircraft!! 

We found Uncle Jim's name on the Roll of Honour for the US 8th Air Force who lost their lives in WWII.

The Honour Roll contains 26,000 names of US 8th Air Force members lost in WWII.

Wimpole Hall...didn't I tell you it was a LARGE home??

Keep watching...Thanks for supporting my family in my absence! 
Kerri & Guy

Monday, May 30th, 2011

Monday, May 30th, 2011

We spent this morning in Madingley for a Memorial Service at the Cambridge American Cemetery.  The two Army Veterans with our group placed two Memorial Wreaths in honor of the 91st Bomb Guard Group, a total of 120 Memorial Wreaths were laid today representing several other branches of the Armed Forces.  There were three "flyovers", the first is posted and is a C-130 Aircraft.  We toured the Chapel on site at the Cambridge American Cemetery, it is a beautiful chapel and posted is a picture of the Nebraska emblem inside the Chapel. 

We then traveled a short distance to Royston for another Memorial Service.  It was much smaller, but as much or more meaningful!  We ate lunch with the Mayor of Royston and the Council, their hospitality was wonderful. 

We ended the afternoon with a tour of the Royston Cave, it is small but very interesting!! 

Mel Dart and Don Murray presenting the Memorial Wreaths. 

The Mayor of Royston, Dad and I at lunch. 

Royston Memorial Park

Thanks for viewing! 
Kerri & Guy

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Sunday, May 29th, 2011
Our day is drawing to an end...we have had a full day, packed with a re-dedication service of the 91st Bomb Group Prop Memorial in Bassingbourn.  We had lunch in the Officer's Mess and then we were off for a tour of The Tower Museum, also at Bassingbourn.  We drove to the airfield and drove down the runways...the same runways Uncle Jim would have as he prepared for his flights and take off! 
You will see a few pictures of "actors" that actually dedicate their lives to the re-enactment WWII for such events as this...it adds a very real atmosphere to the day! 
Enjoy the pictures!! 
Until the next time....

Heading into Bassingbourn Officer's Club.

Dad with a the Enlisted Women and Don Murray, he was at Bassingbourn the same time Uncle Jim was! Although he didn't know Jim, he explained that the "flight crews" were family and stuck together.

Laying a "wreath" at the Prop Memorial.

Our Tour Group!

This is Steve Harper, an artist, he is having the 3 Veterans in attendance sign prints of his newly dedicated picture for the 91st Bomb Group. 

The original "tower" of WWII, now known as The Tower Museum.

The Artist Painting...Honoring the 91st!

Kerri & Guy

Friday, May 27, 2011


Today I grieve the loss of a wonderful woman, she was my friend, a true example of how to live life, my mother-in-law and my children's "grandma Max"...I celebrate her new life in Heaven, reunited with her husband Virgil, parents, sisters and many other family members; all celebrating her coming home to them!
I am thankful for last Sunday, Lindsey & I spent time with Maxine and I was able to share so many things with Maxine...She knew that I loved her like a mother and I knew that she loved me like a daughter.  God is Good!  Love to my family from across the Atlantic xoxoxoxoxo

We're Here!

After a two hour delay in Denver, we have successfully made it to London!  We do not have anything scheduled for tonight, tomorrow morning however, we move to Cambridge and we will headquarter out of our hotel there for 4 days. 

Dad is doing great!  Visiting away with everyone (that doesn't surprise any of you, does it?!), we've already met a lot of great people and looking forward to meeting many more tomorrow! 

No pictures yet, and I'm finding that internet access here is limited.  I hope I will be able to put a few pictures up, but bare with me, my sending capabilities are much more limited than I realized!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

James Bechtel - the reason for this adventure!

As we approach Memorial Day, please take time to honor those who have given their lives, served our country protecting its freedoms OR are currently serving...without them our lives would be very different!  THANK YOU MEN AND WOMEN PROTECTING OUR US! 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Just a few days...

Not much longer and we'll find ourselves in the air and on our way to London!  We're excited to get this experience under way and pray for safety both at home and on our trip!  Mother Nature is dealing all kinds of fits ... including the volcano in Finland that is causing delays in the UK!  Please don't delay or cancel our trip when we're this close!! 

Certainly hoping that my "techie sense" can provide you with a day to day accounting of our trip...the closer we get, the less I have faith in myself to keep this blog updated! 

On task,


Monday, May 9, 2011

Dad preparing for his Honor Flight trip to Washington DC - What a wonderful trip this was for Dad and his older brother Jack...in memory of their brother Jim who died in WWII. 

Details of the Trip...

Tour Itinerary

Thursday, May 26 – Depart US
Our journey starts with an overnight flight to London from various points in the US.
Friday, May 27 – London
Arrive at Heathrow airport midday and make your way to the hotel shuttles. We will be staying at the Premier Inn Heathrow Airport. We have the evening to relax before the adventure begins.
Saturday, May 28 – Cambridge
A private coach picks up our group after breakfast and we transfer to the Crown Plaza in Cambridge. An afternoon visit to the Eagle Pub is in order as it is within walking distance of our hotel! Enjoy the first of four evenings spent in this delightful city. 
Sunday, May 29 – Bassingbourn
We travel the short distance to Bassingbourn Barracks. We participate in a re-dedication service of the 91st Bomb Group Prop Memorial. Lunch is served in the Officer’s Mess. The Tower Museum Bassingbourn hosts us for the afternoon and will provide a tour of the airfield and runways.
Monday, May 30 – Madingley and Royston
We begin the day remembering those who gave their lives in service as we visit the Cambridge American Cemetery at Madingley for their Memorial Day ceremony. We journey to Royston afterward and are treated to lunch in the Town Hall, attend a service at the Priory Memorial Gardens and tour the Royston sites. An evening reception for our group at the Royal British Legion.
Tuesday, May 31 – Duxford and Wimpole Hall
We stop at the Imperial War Museum Duxford. WWII home of the 78th Fighter Group, Duxford is now known as one of the best museums in the world. Wimpole Hall, whose tree lined entrance served as the 323rd Squadron’s bomb dispersal area, has invited our group for the afternoon.
Wednesday, June 1 – Mildenhall and London
We leave Cambridge behind and visit the USAF Base Mildenhall. We transfer to our London hotel where we spend the next two nights. A boat reserved exclusively for our tour is waiting on the Thames for an evening river cruise and dinner.
Thursday, June 2 – Cabinet War Rooms and Imperial War Museum Labeth Road.
Morning tour of Churchill’s Cabinet War Rooms and an afternoon at the Imperial War Museum Labeth Road. We finish the day with a 3 course meal at Park Plaza Sherlock Holmes.
Friday, June 3 – Portsmouth
A vital embarkation point for D-Day, Portsmouth is our last stop in the UK before we sail to France. We’ll see the Portsmouth Docks, D-Day Museum and Gun Wharf. We board a ferry and check into our cabins for an overnight crossing to Le Havre.
Saturday, June 4 – Paluel and Caen - This is the day Dad's brother & crew will be remembered!
After unloading from the ferry, we board our coach in Le Havre, France and drive through the countryside to Paluel. We attend a memorial dedication to the John Coen crew of the 324th Squadron who were lost March 28, 1943 on a mission to Rouen, France. Afterward, we transfer to our hotel in Caen.
Sunday, June 5 – Normandy
We travel the Normandy area visiting Utah Beach and Museum, Sainte Mere Eglise Museum, La Fiere Bridge, Pointe du Hoc, Omaha Beach Cemetery and landing beaches.
Monday, June 6 – Bayeux and Arromaches
Our day starts with the D-Day Remembrance parade, followed by the British Cemetery, Museum of the Battle of Normandy and the Bayeux Tapestry. Later we visit the Arromanches D-Day Museum, the Mulberry Harbour and the Longues Gun Battery before returning to the hotel.
Tuesday, June 7 – Normandy
Today’s stops are the Ranville Airborne Cemetery, Merville Gun Battery Museum, Pegasus Bridge and Museum and the La Grand Bunker Museum. We board the afternoon ferry in Ouistreham for return trip to the UK and transfer to our London hotel.
Wednesday, June 8 – Return
We say goodbye over breakfast on our last morning in the UK. Board a shuttle bus from the Premier Inn Heathrow Airport for return flight to US!