Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday, June 5th, 2011


We began today bright and early with a trip to Utah Beach, then Sainte Mere Eglise, then to the Pointe du Hoc and Longues Gun Battery...we also went La Fiere Bridge and the Merderet River in hopes to attend the largest Para landing since WWII...unfortunately the drop was called due to the weather, but it was still an awesome experience!   

Short entry...I need the rest! 

As always, enjoy the pictures and stay tuned!! 

I know that it's blurry, but it shows the determination of this WWII Vet to walk the Utah Beach in rememberance of the scrafice given by so many for our FREEDOMS! 

St Marie du Mont Church

Veteran's gathering from all over the world...what a sacrafice they made for us! 

This is the Sainte Mere Eglise, you probably all recognize this picture, it is in a movie, the debate is on for which movie, I'll get back to you on that!  By the way, a little bit of history, the parachute is hangning on the wrong side, but if it were on the correct side, tourists would not be able to see it! 

La Fiere Bridge and Merderet River, this is was the crossing for the Para Trooper's drop in WWII.

This is the field where we were hoping to see 789 Para Trooper's jump today, the weather played a factor in the jump and unfortumately it didn't happen.  If it had of, that would have been the most parachuters landing in any one place since WWII !!  We're sad to have missed the experience!

James M. Gavin's foxhole from WWII...amazing history is perserved in the Normandy area! 

More to come!! 

Kerri & Guy

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